Common features includes much lavamore than any other dungeon in the Main Questand some of the most powerful creatures encountered in The Elder Scrolls: Arena, such as Liches and Vampires, but also Stone Golems, Wraiths, Ghosts, Hell Hounds, and Homonculi.

Some quests have level restrictions imposed by the game. 13 Jan They are organized by faction, and can also be found under the specific articles for their locations. The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since This page lists the main Quests that the Nerevarine can undertake in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.ġ Beginning 2 Speak to the Informants 3 Caius' Orders 4 The Lost Prophecies 5 Become Hortator 6 Become Nerevarine 7. Recommended Level: The reccommeded level to do the quest.